Primary Environment
6 to 13 years
The Primary years programme for student’s age 6 – 13 focuses on the development of the whole child, not only in the classroom, but also in the wider world. It offers a framework that meets children’s needs: academic, social, physical, emotional and cultural.
At the core of the Primary curriculum are five essential elements: knowledge, concepts, skills, attitudes and action. The aim of the curriculum is to incorporate these five elements in helping the child gain a holistic understanding of a body of knowledge in the following learning areas:
- Afrikaans
- Arts and Culture
- Economic and Management Sciences
- English / Language
- Grace and Courtesy (Life Orientation)
- Mathematics
- Montessori Culturals (History & Geography)
- Natural Science (Science and Biology)
- Technology
- Physical Education

The children engage in assessments on a Friday using the knowledge gleaned from the concrete materials presented to them in the different learning areas.
The Primary writes tests/exams at the end of the year.
The “older” children also participate in the Grade 7 ISASA Benchmark Assessments for Mathematics and English.
Pre School children are requires to do reinforcement on learnt work. They will also bring home sight words and eventually readers. Please check the ‘take home’ books to see daily requirements. Sign acknowledgement of receipt.
Homework will be given to the Primary children on a daily basis. Please consult the ‘take home’ book to see what homework has been given. This needs to be signed by a parent.
The diary serves as a means of communication between parent and directress. All correspondence, including feedback on progress is recorded in the diary.
Daily reading to encourage and develop expression, fluency, audibility and posture is encouraged. Quality reading rather than quantity is encouraged and this is recorded on a reading list monitored at home by the parents. The Directress monitor Leisure Reading within the Environments.
The child gains the skills and knowledge required to fit into the next phase of their programme, namely Secondary Schooling.