Preschool Environment
3 to 6 years
The Pre-School environment comprises a group of children ranging between the ages of 3 and 6. The child spends preferably a three-year period developing and enhancing his academic, social and emotional growth at his/her own pace with the hands on guidance of the Directress.
Is aimed at providing the child with opportunities to develop the fine and gross motor co-ordination; it encourages the child to become independent, helps increase the level of concentration as well as satisfying a need for order.
The sensorial equipment provides the child with sensory-motor activities designed for the five senses; isolating each sense thus providing an intense experience. The materials help develop the child’s muscular co-ordination as well as provide the child with both direct and indirect experiences in the mathematics, reading and science areas.
The activities in the cultural area create the opportunity for the child to become grounded in his/her knowledge about the world around us.
In the math’s area, the child works through a progression of tasks, which reaffirms his/her number concepts and the ability, to count out using single to four digit hierarchies. An understanding of the four basic operations is achieved and internalized whilst exploring the variety of options available on a concrete level.
Language is used and encouraged as a means of communication in all areas of the environment, thereby developing strong communication skills. The alphabet is introduced using their phonic sounds. Working through a series of reading activities, the child is able to eloquently read words from three to four or more syllable words. The child is able to read phonic readers that enforce the rules of reading. The child is also introduced to some early grammar.
The philosophy “to follow the child” is found inherent in all aspects of the environment thereby providing a nurturing surrounding for the child to grow in a holistic manner.